Part Two

Writing a Brief

Rohan Eason Illustrator

The Story Cure

This book is a Children’s A-Z series of stories aimed at parents, which they can read to children, or young children wanting to further their reading skills, the illustration on the cover assists with this as it is drawn in a very child friendly manner. On the front cover the illustration is created mostly from black and white using a mixture of dark green, light blue and golden yellow incorporated into a blanket, this would draw the eyes of anyone viewing this book which would draw interest towards the stories. As there are children are reading books on the blanket and also not taking notice of the larger animals and potential characters around them, this could suggest the idea that the book is aimed to be filled with bedtime stories or could be aimed at parents to suggest that the book can allow the child to develop their imagination as they read through the stories.

The illustration on the front cover has taken reference from the stories within the book, this can be used to illustrate some of the stories being read to children and, also to give inspiration for this piece of work. This then allows the stories within the book to come to life within the front cover using traditional media to create a homely feel for the stories inside.

The stylistic aspects of this piece will traditionally be hand drawn and will have a hand drawn effect to the final image created because of this the use of ink and pencil would be preferred for this piece.

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