Part Four

A Magazine Cover

I Chose the word discovery for this final segment of Part Four, i started by drawing up a spider diagram thinking of still lifes that could represent discovery such as leaves or decaying fruit along with more literal things such as a detectives hat and a magnifying glass.

I chose a magnifying glass to be my main focal point for this area as i already had several ideas for magazine covers with this object in.

Below are some sketches of magnifying glasses:

I started by drawing a magnifying glass in different positions along with taking apart the magnifying glass into several different parts showing the decronstuction of the glass itself.

I like these initital sketches and they have given me several ideas for a magnifying glass magazine concept some of my initial ideas and illustrations can be seen below:

Here are two illustrations of 2 different magnifying glasses created using photoshop and below is these magnifying glasses with “Discovery” written around them as if they were on a magazine cover so below are the concepts and final images:

Here are just a few images i have created for the magazine cover, i like the firdt one especially replacing the “O” with the magnifying glass i feel works well in conveying disocovery the other two i feel are too cluttered, there is too much going on for it to be a magazine cover, i wanted simplicity in my designs conveying simple discovery rather than a clash of words and illustrations, below again are further expansions on illustrations of descovery using again the magnifying glass

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