Part Five

Your own work

Here I have looked at my own pieces of work choosing from 8 different illustrations, comments on these illustrations can be seen here:

Next I chose one illustration I felt could work well when choosing from a particular authorial practice, here I explored many different avenues and different authorial practices which can be seen below:

After researching these different avenues I chose to research further into decorative illustration, below are my findings:

While researching deceptive illustration I found several different avenues to sell your own work that is explained in the above images.

I feel if I had to do this project again I would like to have explored fashion illustration as this could work for the sites I had found and there is more to explore within the fashion industry, I would have also liked to explore children’s illustration much alike in part 4 and creating the children’s book covers I found this very interesting and would like to have explored this further but overall I feel this exploration has worked well and given me Insight into deceptive and fashion illustration and being able to sell your own works.